Course Chapters

    1. Spring Equinox & Introducing Journaling

    2. What to expect...

    3. Things you will need

    4. Introducing the Elements

    5. Introducing the morning meditation/ visualisation

    6. Key tips for foraging & herbalism

    1. Introducing The Element Earth

    2. Daily Earth Meditation

    3. Introducing Cleavers

    4. Cleavers Plant Profile

    5. Cleavers Recipe

    6. Nettle Plant Profile

    7. Nettle Ritual & Recipe

    8. BONUS: When challenging times happen...

    1. Introducing The Element Air

    2. Daily Air Meditation

    3. Sweet Violet Plant Profile

    4. Violets Ritual & Infusion

    5. Introducing Wild Garlic

    6. Wild Garlic Plant Profile

    7. Wild Garlic Salt Recipe

    8. Film Night

    1. Introducing The Element Water

    2. Daily Water Meditation

    3. Dandelion Plant Profile

    4. Flower Ritual

    5. Chickweed Plant Profile

    6. Chickweed Recipe

    1. Introducing The Element Fire

    2. Daily Fire Meditation

    3. Three Cornered Plant Profile

    4. Three Cornered Leek Recipe

    5. Daisy Plant Profile

    6. Daisy Crafting Ritual

About this course

  • £189.00
  • 34 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content